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Andreas F. Hottinger, MD, PhD, is responsible for the Neuro-oncologic Unit and the founding director of the Brain and Spine Tumor Center of at the CHUV, Lausanne University Hospital & Lausanne University.

He is board-certified in both oncology and neurology and trained at the Lausanne University Hospital (internal medicine), Bern University Hospital (neurology), Geneva University Hospital (oncology) and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York (fellowship in neuro-oncology).

Having graduated from the MSKCC Clinical Research Methodology Curriculum, he is an expert in the development of clinical trials and is responsible for the development of clinical trials in neuro-oncology in his institution. He has been a principal investigator for several phase I-III clinical trials using various immunotherapy approaches and focuses on developing these trials in the most effective way possible to maximize the chances of success.

He has co-authored more than 100 original publications in peer-reviewed journals and is an internationally recognized expert in the management of patients with high- and low-grade gliomas and primary CNS lymphomas and is a member of the panels that developed the guidelines for the American Society of Oncology (ASCO), Society of Neurooncology (SNO) and European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO).

Check the activity agenda


Friday, March 22, 2024

• Room 1
Moderator: Andrés Cervio (Argentina)
Moderator: Clarissa Baldotto (RJ)
Moderator: ícaro Thiago de Carvalho (SP)

Opening Session
Use of methylation in Meningiomas
Speaker: Martha Quezado (Estados Unidos)

Treatment update on recurrent and aggressive meningioma
Speaker: Andreas Hottinger (Suíça)

Targeting BRAF in pediatric brain tumors
Speaker: Jason Fangusaro (Estados Unidos)

Monday, March 23, 2024

• Room 1
Moderator: ícaro Thiago de Carvalho (SP)

A Critical Overview of Targeted Therapies for Glioma
Speaker: Tracy Batchelor (Estados Unidos)

Translational research for gliomas: future landscapes and emerging paradigm
Speaker: Vinay K. Puduvalli (Estados Unidos)

The role of CAR T cell therapy in neurooncology
Speaker: Andreas Hottinger (Suíça)

What we do know about non-standard of care treatments for gliomas: cannabis, antidepressants, metformin and others
Speaker: Yvonne Kew (Estados Unidos)

Bevacizumab, is there still a role for antiangiogenics in glioblastoma?
Speaker: Juan Sepulveda (Espanha)

The optimal timing of palliative care in glioma patients
Speaker: Daniel Neves Forte (SP)

How feasible is surgery in the motor area?
Speaker: Lorenzo Bello (Itália)

Moderator: Tomas de Andrade Lourencao Freddi (SP)
Moderator: Gustavo Nader Marta (SP)
Moderator: Olavo Feher (SP)

Medulloblastoma treatment in children and adolescents: From radiogenomics to molecular biology
Speaker: Vijay Ramaswamy (Canadá)

Intracranial Germ cell tumors: North American or European, What is the best approach?
Speaker: Mohamed Shebl Abdelbaki (Estados Unidos)

Immunotherapy in gliomas: is there a path ahead?
Speaker: Andreas Hottinger (Suíça)

Oncolytic viruses for treatment of gliomas
Speaker: Frederick F. Lang (Estados Unidos)

Is Vorasidenib a real deal for IDHmt gliomas?
Speaker: Andreas Hottinger (Suíça)

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